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Praca - Wszystkie \ Praca \ Zatrudnię na etat

Nr ogłoszenia 264192 z dnia 2023-10-23 / OFERTA PRYWATNA

Cybersecurity Consultant for CISO Assistance

Job Description: Cybersecurity Consultant for CISO Assistance

Company: Solutions 30

Fluent in French and English

Location: Saint-Denis / Gennevilliers / partial remote work possible

Contract Type: Freelance / External consultant assignment

Duration: 6 months, renewable

Start Date: ASAP

Mission Objective:

Assist the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) in various tasks related to information security, especially in the context of ISO 27001 certification.

Main Responsibilities:

-Drafting, updating, and reviewing information security policies and procedures.

-Operational management of identities and access.

-Drafting of minutes (MR) for security committees.

-Strict monitoring of security-related action plans (regardless of their origin: non-compliances, indicators, security incidents, risk analysis, etc.).

-Security project management, from design to implementation.

-Implementation and verification of security controls in accordance with ISO 27001 requirements.

-Verification of IT Security controls implementation (on-site and remote basis)

-Recommending corrective actions.

Desired Profile:

-Education: Advanced degree in computer science, cybersecurity, or equivalent field.

-Experience: Minimum of 5 years as a cybersecurity consultant, with proven experience in ISO 27001.

-Certifications: CISSP, CISM, or ISO 27001 Lead Implementer/Lead Auditor would be a plus.

-Project Management experience.

-Technical Skills:

-Deep knowledge of standards and regulations related to information security.

-Familiarity with common security tools and technologies.

-Ability to evaluate and implement security controls.

-Soft Skills:

-Excellent written and oral communication abilities.

-Attention to detail, analytical skills, and rigor.

-Proactiveness and autonomy.

-Ability to work in a team and collaborate with various stakeholders.

By submitting your application, you consent to the terms outlined in this notice regarding the processing and storage of your personal data. The organization responsible for your data is Solutions30. Your data will be used exclusively for recruitment and selection, under the legal framework of legitimate interest as per GDPR. Your application data will be retained for 6 months before secure deletion. You may request access, correction, or deletion of your data in line with GDPR. Your information will not be shared with external parties that belong to Solution30 Group without your explicit consent.


  • adres email:
  • telefon: +48512810831

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Administrator serwisu ogłoszeniowego


Ilość wyświetleń: 136
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